Chief Minister and ministers to undertake trail in assembly constituencies
As part of the Nava Kerala initiative, the Chief Minister and ministers will undertake a trail, reaching out to each assembly constituency towards interacting with the people about the accomplishments of the state and to closely understand the perspectives/aspirations of the society. Interactions will be conducted with important personalities from various sectors besides organising public meetings in all assembly constituencies.

The programs will be held between 18th November and 24th December 2023. The assembly level public meetings will kick-start on 18th November 2023 at Manjeswaram. MLAs will take lead in their respective assembly constituencies. The organising committees at assembly level will be formed in September.
Assembly level meetings consists of people including elected representatives, cooperative institutions, workers, farmers and agricultural labourers will be planned to make the program success. Various cultural programs will also be organised as part of the gatherings.

Freedom fighters, senior citizens, important personalities from various sectors, selected representatives from women/youth/students fronts, college union office bearers, talented persons from SC/ST communities, artists, celebrities, winners of various awards, Theyyam artists, leaders of various communities, representatives of senior citizens, representatives from art/cultural organisations, representatives from places of worship, representatives of various other organisations etc. will participate in the assembly level meetings as special invitees.
The Chief Secretary was entrusted with the responsibility of taking the needful to make the programme success.

Parliamentary Affairs minister was designated as the coordinator of the programme. Ministers from each districts will be given responsibility to organise the programme successfully in their respective districts. The responsibility of those districts, which doesn’t have ministers will be given to the minister who is charge of the respective districts. The district collectors will have responsibility for successful organisation of the program at district level.

Approval for the guidelines for medical examination/medico legal examination
The cabinet has approved guidelines prepared by the department of Home, which needs to be followed while presenting individuals for Medical Examination/ Medico Legal Examination before magistrate/ registered medical practitioners. As such, amendments will be made in the Medico Legal Protocol published on 07/05/2022.

Major recommendations

  1. The police, while taking anyone (culprit/victim/persons under protection) under custody shall ensure that their physical/mental/drug usage status is collected through close observation and collation of information.
  2. In the event of any suspicion regarding the above, such details shall be noted in private notebook and should be recorded in the general diary after taking them to the police station. On occasions of taking directly to hospital, it shall be informed to the police station through telephone or message through other means. The same shall be informed to the hospital staff before the medical examination.
  3. Breath analyser shall be used before bringing for medical examination. The application for ‘Drunkenness Certificate shall be applied by giving crime number/G D entry reference with clear signature and seal. The final opinion through Drunkenness Certificate shall be given only after blood test.
  4. The individuals who have the history of violent behaviour/shows violent reactions under the influence of psychotropic elements such as liquor/drugs shall be produced for medical examination only after ensuring safety measures such as means to restrict body movements/applying handcuffs. While turning calm or in unavoidable circumstances it can be relaxed. The chances of safety threat should be reviewed constantly by the police officials.
  5.  Sufficient number of police personnel should accompany the person who will be sent for medical examination. The police personnel are responsible for ensuring the safety of health workers who conduct the medical examination.
  6. Immedietly after taking someone into custody, the police officials shall make sure that the person in custody is not carrying weapons/gadgets, which can be used as weapons or drugs/poisonous substances while ensuring that dignity/modesty of the persons is not harmed. It shall also be ensured that weapons are not carrying while presenting before judicial officer/doctor.
  7.  If an unknown person is brought to a hospital in a drunken state/violent condition, without police escort, the same shall be intimated to the nearest police station. The police shall take swift action upon such intimation and take control of the situation till the treatment procedures are over.
  8. When indications of violent behaviour is noticed in a person, the same shall be intimated to the medical practitioner before the medical examination.
  9. During the process of medical examination, the police officials should not leave such persons alone who are under custody unless the medical practitioner furnishes valid reasons to do so. The handcuffs shall be removed if the medical officer informs that it is required to conduct medical examination. On such occasions, the police officials shall stand in a place from where they can clearly see the person in custody, which enables them to intervene upon occurrence of any dangerous situation.
  10. The police personnel who presents such persons shall help the medical practitioner/employees to make them calm and initiate appropriate measures to safeguard the life of health workers as instructed by the medical practitioner.
  11. More than one person taken under custody for crimes such as drunken driving, drinking in public places, appearing violent, indecent behaviour etc shall not be brought at a time to casualty/emergency department by the police for medical examination. In such occasions the police shall ensure adequate security to health workers/health care workers and causality/emergency departments.
  12. In case any wounds or injuries are noticed on the body of the accused, the same shall be recorded in the report by asking the person whether those were occurred before or after the arrest.
  13.  While presenting mentally instable/disturbed children before magistrate, an official not less than in the rank of a Sub Inspector shall explain the magistrate in detail regarding this.
  14. In the event of presenting the accused after 5 pm, the inquiry officer/higher official shall inform it in advance. In order to explain such a situation, the inquiry officer shall also be present while presenting the accused.
  15. Handcuffs should not be applied while remanding the arrested person by presenting before magistrate unless there is special permission for it from the magistrate. While executing warrant, handcuffs should not be applied to the accused without obtaining orders from the magistrate.
  16. While conducting medical examination of a person who is taken into custody under suspicious circumstances, the medical practitioner shall take measures to keep the equipments, which may be used as weapons, under safe custody.
  17. Whenever senior doctors are readily available and on duty, house surgeons and junior residents shall be exempted from giving primary medical care while those who are under police custody or those from jail are presented for medical examination. The house surgeons/junior residents shall attend urgent cases in the absence of senior doctors.
  18. The registered crime number is compulsory in the application for medico legal examination. If case is not registered, annexure reference number in the general dairy would suffice.
  19. If any attack on medical officers occurs in hospitals, FIR shall be filed within one hour of such incidents by including the clauses of the Hospital Protection Act and the charge sheet shall be submitted in the court within 60 days’ time.
  20. Upon receipt of any intimation regarding occrence of attack on health care institutions or health workers, the nearest police station or police patrolling unit shall respond urgently/on top priority basis
  21. If any attack on health care institutions or health workers occurs, action shall be taken against those who are responsible for such attacks as per the Kerala Health care Service Persons & Health care Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence & Damage to property) Act and other relevant Acts.
  22. A district level monitoring committee shall be formed to supervise the aforesaid issues by inducting representatives of all relevant stakeholders and the committee shall meet in regular intervals.

The Saksharatha Mission Authority & Preraks shall be made part of Local Self Government Department
The Saksharatha Mission Authority & Preraks shall be made part of Local self-government Department. The government’s share and the share of Local Self Government department regarding payment of honorarium to Preraks shall be decided after the mutual consultation between the department of Finance and department of Local Self Government. The Local Self Government department is entrusted with the responsibility for this. Approval is given to pay the honorarium upto issuance of the government order regarding this, in accordance with the ongoing practice as the Saksharatha Mission share and government share.
Academic responsibilities of the courses and examinations being conducted by Saksharatha Mission with own funds of Mission shall be retained under the General education department.
The General Education department shall bear the financial liabilities till the takeover of Local Self Government department.

Financial aid
Financial aid will be sanctioned from the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund to the family members of 9 people who were killed in the vehicle accident in Kannothmala, in Thavinhal village, Manathavady taluk, Wayanad. The family members of those who lost their lives will get Rs.10 lakhs and those who have suffered serious injuries will get Rs.3 lakhs.
Rs.4 lakhs financial assistance was sanctioned from the State Disaster Response Fund to the dependents of those who were killed in the boat capsize on 4th September in the Aanavari area of Peechi dam reservoir

Government guarantee
Rs.40 crores worth government guarantee will be sanctioned to Transformers & Electricals Kerala Limited towards availing loan assistance from banks/financial institutions.
It was decided to renew the order issued to sanction government guarantee to Autocast Limited towards availing Rs.10 crores loan from Kerala Bank. The government guarantee will be sanctioned to avail loans from nationalised banks or financial institutions including KSIDC/KFC.

The consolidated pay of teachers working on contract basis at State Institute of Medical Education & Technology will be renewed with affect from 01/11/2022.

Exemption of stamp duty
Exemption will be given for stamp duty and registration fee worth Rs.16,02,216/- required for registering 20.23 ares of land and the buildings in the said land owned by Kerala Ceramics, which falls under Mundakkal village, block number 139, resurvey number 4, Kollam district, in the name of Capex.

Government pleader
It was decided to appoint Adv.P.K.Babu, a native of Tripunithura, in the vacancy of Special Government Pleader (Finance) in the High court of Kerala

It was decided to create 6 new posts in the Computer Science batch in K.K.K.V.M Higher Secondary School, Pothappally, Alappuzha and to upgrade one existing post.
It was decided to create new posts for the smooth functioning of Kerala Solid Waste Management project, in the State Project Management Unit. Assistant Director (Solid Waste Management) and Assistant Director (Project) are the posts to be created.

Cancelation of order
The order, which handed over the revenue land in Kanul, Taliparamba to Public Distribution department for constructing godowns, will be cancelled. It was due to realisation of the fact that the land is not suitable for construction purposes.